How to filter Facebook: Don’t miss the Good Stuff (and remove the Bad)

The Techie Guy - Liron Segev

[Tallulah does it again – this time revealing Facebook’s many options of how to engage with friends and remove those “stories” that annoy you]

I have a confession to make. The one time I actually remember many of my Facebook “friends” exist is on their birthdays when Facebook reminds me to wish them a happy one.

The combination of Facebook’s EdgeRank (ensuring you only see posts from people who you interact with regularly) and life in general (introducing you to many, diverse, people over its course) means one often ends up with an eclectic collection of Facebook friends who you never see nor hear from.

In some cases it’s just as well. EdgeRank has done you a service by filtering out all the posts about obscure hobbies you couldn’t care less about. In some cases, though, the formula gets it wrong. I might not care much for philately, nor…

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Jan. 2: A Little Manners, Please

Life...Outrageously Real Insights.

I’m really on a bit of a manners kick these days.  I don’t know if I fell asleep and woke up a cranky old lady, but it seems like most of the world just put all etiquette in a box and threw it away overnight.  Maybe I expect too much, but in these times of financial and political strife, a little manners can go a long, long way.

I’m not suggesting we go back to the dark ages and get all Emily Post proper, but there some  of what I’ll term ‘manner basics’ that I believe we would all benefit from seeing come back into a part of everyday living in 2013.  And if I’ve taken a little modern-day license, well, so be it.  We need a little civility these days!

1.  “Please”, “Thank You” and “You’re Welcome” always.  No excuses.  Period.

2.  Hold the door for anyone older…

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Twitter Trends 2012


Hootsuite has put together a list of the hottest names and subjects on Twitter this year:

How does the list compare with you Twitter activities? I’m not really a sports person, but I have to admit that I’ve tweeted my share about both the Olympics and Euro 2012 😉

If you’re curious about the Twitter trends of 2011, you can see some of the here.

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How to get “likes” on your Facebook Business Page

Enrich Your Marketing

Like Us On FacebookSo you’ve got a fantastic business reflected in your great Facebook Page but only your friends and family “like” your business page on Facebook? Ever wondered why?

Creating a great visually attractive Facebook page is a good start but this isn’t enough by itself.

Think about any business pages that you have “liked” on Facebook. What made you decide to like them? Was it their brilliantly designed page or was it that you genuinely like their product and are happy to let your friends and family know that?

I “liked” a conservatory company page a few weeks ago. I know they build great conservatories but I didn’t do it for that reason, I did it because my friend asked me to help him get started. The fact that I “liked” this page then appeared on all my friends’ and family’s pages which prompted some odd questions from people. ‘Jo, I didn’t…

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Are you there? [STUDY]

WEFurniture .com

Today Mashable put out a study from Napkin Labs showing that only 6% of you are really listening, Take a look.


Big brands like to tout the number of fans they have on Facebook, but a new study suggests they may want to start focusing more on the core audience who actually engage with their Page.

On average, just 6% of fans engage with a brand’s Facebook Page via likes, comments, polls and other means, according to a study from Napkin Labs, a Facebook app developer that works with brands and agencies. Of those fans that did, the average engagement was the equivalent of less than one like over the course of the eight weeks the study was conducted.

Napkin Labs analyzed fan engagement for more than 50 brand pages, including consumer electronics companies, retailers and more, with between 200,000 to 1 million fans each. The researcher…

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